‘I want to know why the contacts affect the electronic properties and do more optical studies. Madhushankar is continuing his investigation of the new material. Scientists from Professor Dimitrios Gournis’s group at the University of Ioannina, Greece, produced the germanane crystals. Madhushankar reports these findings together with postdoc Alexey Kaverzin, his PhD supervisor Bart van Wees and three other professors from the University of Groningen (Petra Rudolf, Graham Blake and Caspar van der Wal).

The first results obtained from the germanane device were published in the journal 2D Materials on 1 February. Clockwise: germanane, flake of germanane with gold electrodes on top (twice) and height profile along the red line in panel C. It could be used for making photovoltaics, but applications as a light sensor are more likely. ‘So there is room for improvement.’ Another advantage of germanane over silicon is that shining light on the material produces or enhances a current. Also, the electron mobility is much higher at low temperatures (77 Kelvin) than at room temperature. ‘We still have to find out how this happens there’. The measurements Madhushankar made in this device indicate excellent electronic properties, although the electrodes appear to affect the germanane. Further, Madhushankar adds: ‘It's theoretically predicted that in germanane, charges move about five times faster than in germanium, which means you can make devices which operate at very high speeds.’ Improvement Thus, he made a germanane transistor, which had never been done before with this material. By applying a voltage bias across the silicon substrate, he was able to ‘gate’ (control) the current flow in germanane. He deposited very thin flakes onto a silicon substrate and connected them to gold electrodes which allowed him to send a current through the flakes. Madhushankar obtained germanane crystals from fellow researchers at the University of Ioannina in Greece and was able to produce thin flakes, using the now classic ‘ Scotch tape method’. The result, called germanane, turned out to be much more stable.

However, it turned out that germanene could be fortified by adding hydrogen atoms on both sides of the layer, using a chemical process.